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Female Corrections Officer Who Got Smashed In Front Of 11 Inmates... Wants You To Bail Her Out! (6 Sec IG Message)

Her IG@ hustle23hard
"A female California corrections officer with a “depraved mind” has been jailed for reportedly having sex with an inmate — in full view of 11 other jailbirds. Tina Gonzalez, 26, even cut a hole in her uniform pants — to make it easier to have sex in Fresno County Jail, her sentencing hearing was told on Tuesday, according to The Fresno Bee. Her former boss, Assistant Sheriff Steve McComas, told the court that he had witnessed many “pretty disgusting things” during his 26-years on the job — but nothing as shocking as hearing of Gonzalez’s sex session in full view of other inmates." - NYPOST
Posted by Thrillz

source http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh381fYIQyAxejw7lj

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